I’m in a bad way

The last week has not gone according to plan.  Last Sunday I had an endurance run that that has left me reeling.  It was brutally hot and turned into somewhat of a slog.  While that’s ok by itself, I’ve had trouble with my right ankle ever since.  Since I’ve had problems with it in the past having rolled it 7 or 8 times in the last decade, I’m always a apprehensive when it starts barking at me.  Lots of heat, stretching rehab with bands, etc has it headed in the right direction, but with 7 days to IM Boulder 70.3, I’m more than a little concerned.

The plan for today is to get out and test it a bit.  I was supposed to do an end run yesterday, but with my travel schedule I chose to recover instead.  I’m hoping to get the end run done and an easy bike ride.  We’ll see how the first part goes.  My number one concern at the moment is getting the ankle ready to race next weekend.