Colorado Triathlon Company – Feature
I might not be racing much in 2016, but I’m still part of the team. The social media director put together a nice little feature in the latest communication:
I might not be racing much in 2016, but I’m still part of the team. The social media director put together a nice little feature in the latest communication:
As we launch forth into 2015, I want to take a look back as we close out the year. 2014 was a year unlike any other I’ve experienced. Collectively, I spent more time training (376 hours), crushed a few previous PRs (-49:32 in the 70.3), made some great new friends, finished my first Ironman and
On the heels of a pretty decent swim on Tuesday morning, between 8am and 5pm when I was supposed to leave for the run, my condition rapidly deteriorated. Skipping the run was a no-brainer and I was in bed by 7pm with Antibiotics on board and rapidly swelling tonsils. By Thursday, I was a total
The 2014 season is officially over and the off-season has begun. In 2015, I’ll be doing my biggest race of the year in March. Probably not the best decision, but I’ve wanted to do my company sponsored race for a few years. I’ve talked to a lot of my team mates searching for ways to
While I’m working on my race report, I thought I would post a little note. On August 3rd, I completed the Boulder Ironman, thus completing the first step of the Road To Boulder Journey. There will be much, much more adventure to come! Here are a few race day pictures:
Wow, that happened fast. Today is just two weeks away from my first Ironman, taking place in Boulder, Colorado on August 3rd. Today is my last day of training, and tomorrow begins the taper, or as I’ve come to call it “taking the journey through taperlandria.” It’s been a crazy training journey with a lot
Over the last 5 days, I was able to experience something new. Since I completed my last “2-A-Days” in 1997, I could have never dreampt that in my mid-30s, I would once again return to training camp. A training camp put on by my coach. Wait, I have a coach? I think High School Ken
Rode 94 of 112 miles checking out primarily the east side of the course. We skipped Carter Lake and downtown Boulder. Couldn’t have picked a better day!
Only one week left until the tri season kickoff at the Summer Open!
Rest is probably the most commonly neglected aspect of triathlon training and can be one of the hardest pieces to fit in. We all jump in the pool, climb in the bike or lace up for a hard interval run without a second thought and that’s how it should be. Taking a day off, or